12 History Facts You Probably Did't Know

1) In Tudor England if you were found guilty of "vagrancy" (being a tramp) twice, there would be a hole burned through your ear - a third time and you would be executed!

2) In 1764 Mozart composed his first symphony at the age of eightIn 

3) In 931 a farmer killed King Theinhko of Burma for eating his cucumbers without asking. The farmer then had himself crowend King Nyanng-u Sawrahan and became known as the "Cucumber King" 

4) On 28th April, 1978 the president of Afghanistan Mohammed Daoud Khan was shot dead in a coup. The new government said he had resigned for health reasons.

5) The Anglo-Zanzibar War was the shortest war in recorded history lasting for 45 minutes on 27th August 1896.

6) On the other hand, the longest war in history was the Dutch-Scilly War, lasting from 1651-1986; 335 years.   

7) Queen Elizabeth I, owned a total of 3000 dresses!

8) Most Roman gladiators ate a vegetarian diet consisting of grains, beans, dried fruit, washed down with some vinegar and plant ash tonic.

9)   In the Great Fire of London in 1666, which destroyed 13,200 houses and left 70,000 people  homeless, only 8 people were killed.

10) When Lord Byron attended Cambridge university he kept a pet bear in his dorm room.

11)  Albert Einstein was offed the poison of President of Israel in 1952.  He declined.

12) Emmeline Pankhurst died a few weeks before equal voting rights was passed by parliament.    


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