The Murder of Edward VI's Dog...

In 1547, Henry VIII died and his nine year old son became King Edward VI of England. As he was not yet an adult, Edward's uncle Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset (brother of the king's dead mother- Jane Seymour) became Lord Protector, ruling the country on behalf of Edward VI. He was Lord Protector between 1547 and 1549.

Thomas Seymour (young Edward's 'favourite' uncle) had been promoted to Lord High Admiral, this gave him the power to control the royal navy. Seymour took advantage of this power and tried to lead a rebellion on the throne. Now, the officials had there eye on the scheming uncle...

Jealous of his brother's high position in the country, Thomas Seymour  snuck into the palace one night in an attempt to kidnap his nephew. Whilst breaking into the palace, one of Edward's favourite pets, a spaniel began barking. Afraid that the dog would alert the guards, Seymour shot it.

On 28th March 1549, Thomas Seymour was beheaded for high treason. His land, titles and money were seized by the crown, leaving his baby daughter Mary, an orphan with nothing.

~ Tudor Place: About Edward VI TUDOR (King of England)
~ Wikipedia: Thomas Seymour, 1st Baron Seymour of Sudeley


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