The Monarchy in 1483

Edward IV
It is England in 1483 and the people of the country are witnessing three reigns of three different kings, the first recorded execution at the Tower of London and a suspected murder has occurred when the Princes in the Tower mysteriously disappear! 

Edward V
Richard III
For the monarchy in England in this year, it would experience a dramatic change. On 9th April, King Edward IV passed away aged only forty- two years. This could have been a result of falling ill from a disease such as pneumonia or typhoid but it could equally be a result of his unhealthy lifestyle. Before his death he had become inactive and stouter as a pose to his young active and healthy self that he was when he first won the throne from Henry VI. After his premature death, Edward was succeeded by his twelve year old son- also called Edward. The late Edward's will (which has not survived) stated that his brother, Richard, would be made Lord Protecter for his nephew, the new king Edward. The transition from king to king seemed to happen smoothly, but when young King Edward V was on his way to be crowned, his Uncle Richard arrived and took him to the Tower of London, supposedly to await his coronation. Clever Richard also managed to persuaded his sister- in- law, Elizabeth Woodville, to give up her other son (also called Richard) to go with his brother to the Tower. However, whilst the rightful heir to the throne was residing in the Tower of London, Uncle Richard saw his chance to lawfully declare Elizabeth Woodville's marriage to Edward IV illegal, therefore their issue were illegitimate. Then he had himself crowned King Richard III. Later on 3rd September 1483, the princes in the Tower disappeared and to this day it remains a mystery where they went and if they were murdered, who by? 


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