Who were the Real Enemies in World War I and II?

For the allies such as France and the United Kingdom, the enemies were the axis such as Germany and Turkey in the First World War and Germany and Italy in the Second World War. For the axis the enemies were the allies. In this post I want to stress how not all enemies were real enemies. Many of the 'enemies' were just ordinary men and women like you or me. 

Admittedly the ordinary people were fighting for some enemies like the Nazis and power- crazed lunatics but they fought because they had no choice. We all seem to forget how everyone has at least one loved one and we all are humans with human emotions and feelings! In World War II the Nazis brainwashed the Germans with promises of a brighter future following the chaos caused by the First World War. And in both wars the people were persuaded by propaganda created by the governments.

Therefore I plead that each and every reader and person does not look at the dreadful history of the wars and label each and every citizen a Nazi or enemy as a result of their nationality because it is inhumane and racist. There were thousands of members of those labeled nations who did everything in their power to save and assist the cause to which they believed right, whether that be allies or axis.  

Comment below any disagreements or reasons for and/or against.  


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