Henry VIII's Marriages: Wife No 6

When Henry VIII married his sixth wife- Katherine Parr, she was already twice widowed and a step- mother, although she had no children herself. Yet, at the age of fifty- two years, Henry was unhealthy and struggling with his ever increasing weight. He did not really require a wife because it was obvious that he probably wouldn't procreate any more offspring, but, to be honest, he more than likely married Katherine so he could have a nurse. On the other hand it has been recorded that the king and queen did have an intimate relationship.

History remembers Henry VIII's sixth wife as a kind, beautiful woman who was a devoted Reformer and highly intelligent scholar, she actually wrote a best seller titled: "Lamentations of a Sinner"! However Katherine also enjoyed pretty gowns, entertainment and was a successful step- mother. During her marriage to Henry, the queen bought together his estranged family. As a child her mother, Maud Green (aka Lady Maud Parr) educated her and she was also brought up with excellent education at the royal school.  Also, Katherine was a rather beautiful young woman with auburn hair and a tall stately figure. 

Henry married Katherine in a chapel in Hampton Court, due to a dangerous break out of the plague in London. There were about twenty- four witnesses. At the time of her third marriage, Katherine had many suitors. One of which was her future husband and father of her baby- Mary. His name was Thomas Seymour, brother of the late Jane Seymour. But once Henry had caught his ever revolving eye on wife number six and gave Seymour a job which kept him out of the way! 

When she became queen, Katherine adopted the motto: "To be useful in all that I do.". At this time, there was a new faith developing, which broke away from the Catholic Church and thus the pope, Katherine was a Reformer. Despite having broken with the Catholic denomination in order to wed Anne Boleyn, Henry was still a firm Catholic believer whereas his wife had completely different beliefs! It was recorded by courtiers, that the royal couple did have intense theological debates, sadly this did not impress nor please Henry because this inferred that his supposedly obedient and humble wife was not following his example. Katherine also believed that girls deserved the right to the same education as boys and so took on the task of finding her step children- Elizabeth and Edward, (Mary was a grown woman!) a royal education!

Although she was a dutiful queen, she once did step one foot out of line. Apparently, after a deep disagreement between religions, the king lost his temper and ordered a warrant for the arrest of his caring wife. However on the way to the king's chambers, it was dropped and one of Katherine's servants found it and brought it to her. The usually calm lady then had a panic attack and got very upset, as you would if a warrant for your own arrest was delivered to you. Thankfully, she calmed down and took herself with gracious conduct to Henry's bedchamber. The couple made up and the next day, when the head of the guards arrived to escort Katherine to prison, the king yelled insults at him and told him to leave his presence immediately!

Sadly, Henry VIII kicked the bucket aged fifty- five on 28th January 1547. However he did not leave his widow alone and bankrupt, before his death Henry ensured that Katherine should be allowed to keep the queen's jewels until there was a new Queen of England. He also made sure that she would receive an annual allowance of £7000, a massive sum in Tudor England!

Much to the dislike of the rich, Katherine married Thomas Seymour shortly after the death of her third husband. After Henry's death, Katherine also took in his daughter Elizabeth and her cousin, the unfortunate Lady Jane Grey. However Elizabeth was sent away in disgrace after she was discovered kissing Seymour... Sadly Katherine died on 5th September 1548 from childbed fever not long after giving birth to her daughter Mary Seymour.

As recommened by the wonderful Claire of The Anne Boleyn Files, here are a list of the sources used for this blog post!- Beth
~ My Royal Story: Henry VIII's Six Wives by Alison Prince
History Extra: Did Henry VIII love his last wife Katherine Parr?
TudorHistory.org: Katherine Parr
~ English History: Katharine/ Catherine/ Katherine Parr Facts
~ Primary Facts: Catherine Parr: Facts about the Sixth Wife of Henry VIII

  1. Henry VIII's Marriages: Wife No 1
  2. Henry VIII's Marriages: Wife No 2
  3. Henry VIII's Marriages: Wife No 3
  4. Henry VIII's Marriages: Wife No 4
  5. Henry VIII's Marriages: Wife No 5
  6. Henry VIII's Marriages: Wife No 6


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