6 Disgusting habits of royals

Having been requested to do this post by Lizzie Hitlinton I researched Disgusting habits of royalty. Here are my findings...  Beth

  1. Tsar Peter of Russia was an educated and cultured Tsar of Russia, widely known around Europe. Unfortunately, he had the habit to urinate on the beautifully decorated Russian palace walls...
  2. William IV of Britain was in the navy before becoming king. In his time as a sailor, William developed the habit of randomly spitting. This habit he never lost.
  3. Henry IV of England disliked bathing and he also had a desire to regularly consume large amounts of raw garlic!  
  4. James IV of Scotland, I of England, refused to bath, believing it could damage your health. Furthermore, he made it worse by wearing the same clothes for months on end and would wear the same hat for 24 hours without removing it.
  5. Charles VI of France was mentally ill and he would wear the same clothes for five months at a time!
  6. Louis XVI of France used his throne as a toilet and only ever bathed three times in his 76 year life! 


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